Mathematics SP 6/1 Mathematics with the idea of an exercise du. 2016

8-10 μέρες
This is the first part of the Math exercise book with an idea for Class 6 which uses good and proven methodical solutions, such as direct command language or activating methods that develop interest in the subject, stimulate creativity, shape autonomy and teamwork skills, learn how to use modern technology. The book contains tasks of varying degrees of difficulty and different forms: open and closed, using numerous forms of transmission (e.g. diagrams, tables, graphics), associated with text analysis. Thanks to the exercise book, each sixth grade student will develop his math skills, taste success – this guarantees a wide selection of easier and more difficult tasks, train the ability to solve various types of tasks . Part 1 of the exercise book is the best way to learn mathematics effectively and attractively. The material of this part of the exercise book allows you to improve skills such as multiplying and dividing fractions of ordinary and decimals, reading data presented graphically, calculating percentages, recognizing and naming lumps.

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