Josera Meatlovers Pure Beef 400g

8-10 μέρες
Josera Meat Lovers Beef Mono-scale wet dog food Age: Size: Only one protein source without cereals with high meat and offal content Josera Meat Lovers Pure Beef Wet monoprotein food for dogs, rich in beef! Meat Lovers Pure is a properly balanced, complete food suitable for daily feeding, as well as a tasty addition to the diet of an adult four-legged. Meat Lovers Pure Beef is literally just meat! This monoprotein meal with a high content of juicy beef sunk in a delicious broth contains a complex of valuable minerals necessary for healthy and proper functioning. Meat Lovers Pure Beef contains only one source of protein, thus minimising the risk of allergic reaction in your dog. Available packaging: 400 g 800 g 400 g/800 g - Packed of 6 pieces Benefits of Karma MONOBIAL - one source of protein Josera Meat Lovers Pure is a line of monoprotein products, which contain only one source of animal protein. This minimises the risk of allergic reactions. WITHOUT CEREALS Foods do not contain cereals, so they can also be given to dogs who have food intolerance to cereals. High pure meat content In all the carmach of the Josera Line Meat Lovers Pure dog gourmets will find delicious turkey, beef, chicken or lamb and juicy broth and valuable minerals. It's a meat feast, perfect for an adult dog. Super Premium Karmas All Josera Meat Lovers feeds are products in which we have given special attention to recipes and ingredients used. The products have been developed by our experts - nutritionists and veterinarians, who have been developing recipes for Joser for years and ensure that food is a healthy, tasty and well-absorbed meal for each dog. Highly Acceptable Components Josera Meat Lovers Pure is a balanced recipe, developed with care. All ingredients used in the products are well digestible and well tolerated by the dog's body. Pure composition We are based on a clear declaration that fulfills 100% of our promises - we do not hide the composition of our products, and there is a lot of meat and additives tailored to the needs of dogs. About us Passion for animals, top quality and solutions with concern for the future of Wednesdays[...]