Hidden voice (235687)

8-10 μέρες
Sonia Draga Hidden Voice (235687) When the goal is really important, there will always be a way to speak and make your voice heard. Taking over the literary cry for acceptance and love. Shabab loves to watch the moon, which in silence travels through the sky. They're similar because the boy, even though he's four, hasn't said a word yet. The environment laughs at this strange behavior, finds Shababa delayed in development, so he locks himself in his world. The unspeakable words of the boy seem only to listen to Mariam, his mother, who understands that the son needs time to speak. She knows what it means to feel different, because her daily life forced her to abandon her career and take care of her family. Mariam feels that his son's silence is in fact a defense against father's indifference, a cry for love It is through her that Shabab discovers the path to human hearts. An extremely socially committed and rebellious author interrupts the collusion of silence in the face of injustice - The IndependentA hidden voice is a literary sensation. Unspeakable words of a child become a cry against heartlessness and indifference - PanoramaEven censorship cannot suppress the dramatic voice of this brave woman - The Guardian

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