Graphical card MSI Radeon RX 6750 XT Mech 2X OC 12GB GDDR6

8-10 μέρες
MSI Radeon RX 6750 XT Mech 2X OC 12GB GDDR6 – go to higher level Do you like to “level” your character in your favorite game? How about the same thing, except in the context of your PC? With the layout of MSI Radeon RX 6750 XT Mech 2X OC 12GB GDDR6 it is possible! All this thanks to the use of the best technologies, which together consist of an image of ultra-efficient graphics card. Bet on the best measures that will allow you to achieve all your goals – regardless of whether you talk about games, work or creative tasks. Highest performance RDNA 2 microarchitecture is the power driving this graphics card. By using highly efficient solutions such as Radeon Super Resolution, you can be sure that this arrangement will not fail you during the challenges facing it. Add to this a high number of computing units, 12 GB of memory in the GDDR6 standard and AMD Infinity Cache memory, which is characterized by an extremely low delay... The RX 6000 series chips that represent this card are performance you have not experienced yet. However, this is not all that AMD has prepared for gamers. This arrangement benefits from AMD FidelityFX technology, which will bring gaming experiences to a new level. FidelityFX allows to generate realistic 3D lighting and shadow mapping, as well as reflect with accuracy and detail that can be confused with real life. Moreover, the proper optimization of these techniques under systems with RDNA 2 architecture makes it possible to combine beautiful graphics quality with maintaining a high number of frames on the screen. Raise cage with FSR AMD's proprietary technology known as AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) is a simple way for maximum image quality and increased performance in one. A large number of games that support this technology make it possible to enjoy better and more stable visual experiences quickly. The Radeon Super Resolution (RSR) feature will take care to increase the number of frames per second in any game. All of this makes you decide on the AMD Radeon card, you can experience the highest quality graphics, high frame number per second and a resolution from which you won't have to come down to keep playing comfortable. Arctic Cooling Air with TORX 3.0 fans Two TORX 3.0 fans are sufficient to ensure effective cooling. Their distinctive design makes them superior to classic ro[...]