From different shelves (134449)

8-10 μέρες
Political Theology From Different Shelfes (134449) Are the books by Henryk Sienkiewicz, Miron Białoszewski, Andrzej Stasiuk, Jerzy Stempowski, Jack Dehnel, Leopold Tyrmand, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Marek Nowakowski, Tadeusz Różewicz, Zbigniew Herbert, Witold Gombrowicz reads better in bed or on a desk? Sitting or standing? On a journey, somewhere far from home, or the other way around, in the privacy of the room? The answer to these questions is given by Andrzej Dobosz, Polish Radio columnist and journalist, Rzeczpospolita. The sketches of Dobosz are all the more valuable because they concern people, events and stories that the author knows from the inside, participated in them, watched them closely or learned about them firsthand. Dobosh creates his own genre of reflection on the book. Exactly and factually, sometimes he describes works just as sensibly, but at the same time he does not always and does not necessarily stick closely to their content - from descriptions we can learn the dimensions, yes, the weight of even books and remarks of the type: ,, suitable for reading at the desk", ,,,it is impossible to read in bed". He allows himself to make various anecdotes, stories, hints, apparent departures from "readable act". If I were forced to describe the genre writing of Andrzej Dobosz about books, I would probably try to look for terms such as: ,,gaveda about six readings". Krzysztof Koehler Media Patrons: Magazine Literary Books,, Rebelya, TV Republic, Virtual Poland

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