8-10 μέρες
One-channel transmission with AQARA Aqara One-way Relay Module is one of Aqara's devices. Thanks to its properties, it can turn virtually any traditional device connected to the current into a modern gadget. Aqara transmitter is perfect for adaptation in places where classic SmartHome devices cannot be used. The module can work with the switch and cause the circuit to open/close. Each of us knows a situation where you leave the house in a hurry, and halfway to work you wonder if you turned off the iron. We know how much stress it costs, especially if no one's home anymore. In that case, you can turn them off remotely with one touch of your finger. You can also program the relay in such a way that it will run the equipment at a specific time, such as a coffee machine, radio or lamp. In addition, it gives you full control of power consumption from the connected device - advanced technology tracks current consumption and allows you to monitor everything in your smartphone.