And the grass grows alone

8-10 μέρες
If you want to get to yourself, there's no way. There's no space, no distance. You're already you, the road doesn't exist. Therefore, zen is called a path without a path, a gate without a gate. The gate is gone, that's the gate. A path without a path - there is no path, and understanding it is a path. Zen is about getting you into your reality. There's no need to delay anything. Live, walk, love, sleep, eat, take a bath. Be total. Let everything happen. Just be. And do not try to understand, because the effort made to do so, the effort made with the intention of understanding, poses problems. You're becoming divided. Don't create problems, be. Trust is directed towards life, towards the energy that moves the whole. Trust me and go with her. If he pulls you into the vortex, let him pull you in. If he throws you out, let him throw you out. You're going with her, so don't worry. If it makes you sad, be sad. If it makes you happy, be happy. You're going with her, don't interrupt. Suddenly you will realize that you have reached the point where eternal happiness awaits you. You'll be happy and sad because it's none of your business. She's got it under control, and you're going with her. Happiness - good, sadness - good. Just "good." Everything's fine. That's a religious man, he's got no opinion. You can't stay still. This is one of the deepest laws of nature - no one can be motionless. You have to go up or down, because life knows no rest, only movement. You're going forward or you're going backwards, but you can't be in one place, not going down or up, that's impossible. If you're not going up, you're already going down, even if you don't know it. So you have to have a keen desire, make an effort, make every effort, travel, search and explore, do everything you can, and then you have to give it all up. You can't give it up now because you have nothing to give up. First you have to do something, then you can give it up.

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