Air Purifier Tesla Air Purifier Pro L

8-10 μέρες
You'll have air like a storm Do you like the fresh air when it rains hard in the summer? With this purifier, you can create one at any time at home. The purifier has an ionizer that releases healthy anions into the environment - so it does exactly what the storm in nature does. Filters capture molecules 100 times smaller than hair The heart of the purifier is the HEPA filter, which captures all hair and microparticles, such as dust or pollen. For example, the filter captures 99% of particles up to 0.3 micrometres, or about 200 times less than the diameter of the human hair. Especially for allergy and asthmatic patients. It can also support PM0.5 molecules A set of high quality filters for the highest efficiency captures even the smallest particles with a diameter of only 0.5 μm UV radiation eliminates formaldehydes and toluene Formaldehyde is found in particle board, carpets, clothing, cosmetics or toys and is released into the air. According to the World Health Organization, it can cause cancer. Fortunately, this purifier removes it with a UV lamp and grates from titanium dioxide - and also removes toluene, xylene or benzene. Works 100% automatically If you like air cleaners, you can play with settings for several days. If you're more pragmatic, you'll appreciate the air quality sensor. It continuously monitors indoor air and adjusts the efficiency of the purifier so that your house has optimal air.